Contact the director of Student Financial Aid at your home institution for specific information.
If you are applying through Northern Illinois University, they will cooperate in setting up a Consortium Agreement under which your home institution processes financial aid, and forwards the proceeds to NIU.
A Consortium Agreement allows students to have a counselor at their home institution to work with them.
A scholarship of $ 2000 is available for every fall and every spring semester. Depending on the applicants, the scholarship may be awarded to only one or divided up between several prospective students.
All students that are a U.S. citizen or legal resident of the U.S. and are attending a U.S. college (including community colleges) or university are eligible to apply. The scholarship is open to students of all majors for their first semester of study at Salzburg College .
Only students accepted at Salzburg College are eligible to receive the scholarship. Those students who would be unable to attend without some financial assistance will be given priority in the selection process. This need will need to be articulated together with the imminent interest in studying at Salzburg College in the application essay.
Application Procedure:
The application for the Dr. Ina Stegen Scholarship is comprised of two parts: An essay and the application form. The topic of the essay and instructions are depicted on the bottom of the application form. The application for the Dr. Ina Stegen Scholarship must be sent in together with the hard copy of the regular Salzburg College application.
Applications must be received by Salzburg College no later than May 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester:
Recipients will be notified in writing by the Dr. Ina Stegen Scholarship Fund before July 15 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester.
All correspondence should be directed to:
Salzburg College
Dr. Ina Stegen Scholarship Fund
Bergstrasse 12
5020 Salzburg