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Housing Options for Students Living in Austria can be one of the most rewarding aspects of your study experience. It allows you to observe, understand and appreciate cultures and values that are different from your own.

Student Dormitory Living

Salzburg College cooperates with the Salzburger Lehrerhaus for student dorm living. The Salzburger Lehrerhaus accommodates approx. 100 students from various universities and colleges in town. The recently partially renovated facility is nestled in its own large park within 15-minute walking distance from historic old town and the Salzburg College study center.

Amenities include:

  • Fully furnished incl. linen, towels, dishes
  • Shared kitchens 
  • Shared washer & dryer
  • Free Wifi
  • All Utilities included
  • Communal student lounge, library & gym
  • On-site cafeteria providing freshly-cooked meals (when classes are in session)
  • 100% smoke-free & drug-free facility

Single units are dependent on availability, available only upon request and at an extra charge.

Family Accommodation

While the families provide a "home away from home", they also recognize a student's need for privacy and independence. The Austrian families taking in Salzburg College students represent many different ways of life in terms of social background and family structure.

A home-stay may consist of whole families, older couples whose children have grown up and moved out, or a single lady who is looking for a little extra company. In some cases, two generations live together in the same house.

Families in the program have different levels of language proficiency which correspond roughly to the needs of students. Those students who want to improve their German language proficiency may be paired with "German only" households and students who are at a beginning level in German may be paired with families who are able to communicate in English.

Living with an Austrian family is a great way to learn about the Austrian culture, as well as the Austrian family life. Students who live in host families often form lasting bonds with their respective families and keep in touch with eachother long after the students return home.

Other housing options

There are other housing options available for graduate and non-traditional students which include sharing or leasing a furnished apartment. Students who do not feel comfortable with the homestay or dorm option, especially non-traditional students or married couples, are encouraged to request an alternate option which the Salzburg College staff will be happy to arrange.

Helping students make the right choice

The process of matching students with the right kind of living situation is taken very seriously as it will constitute a major aspect of a student's European experience. For this reason we ask to you tell us as much as you can about yourself on our housing form and in your biographical sketch.

What about my independence?

The student residence facility, landlords and the Austrian host families recognize that Salzburg College students are young adults. There are no curfews or similar rules (other than your usual family or house rules such as being considerate towards others, preserving energy, locking certain doors, etc.).

You are expected to exercise common courtesy such as coming in quietly after a late night out and keeping the living areas clean.
Ultimately, it is up to you to decide to what extent you want to be involved in a family life or with your peers at the dorm.

You choose and determine your level of involvement and independence.

Commuting to the College

Students live all over town. While some will near campus, others may be placed a 15-minute to half an hour commute away. Depending on where you are located you can choose to either walk, bike or ride the bus to campus.

Public transportation and biking are common and very efficient in Salzburg. Salzburg College is located down the street from the main intersecting point of the bus system. Students can purchase weekly, or monthly, bus passes which allows them to use the bus at all times, not just to commute between home and school.

Bus schedule (Salzburg AG)

One of the main biking paths of Salzburg runs along the river by Salzburg College and connects to a large net of other paths and biking lanes. Bikes are usually rented, however, some host families may provide you with one. Bikes are not recommended in heavy snow, which may be typical for January / February, or if you are not used to riding bicycles in traffic.

Biking paths in Salzburg


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